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State Department For


A global leader in the provision and promotion of Sports.

To provide leadership, coordination and an enabling environment for development of sports

Strategic Objectives:
The strategic objectives of the Ministry are to:
1.    Harness, develop and regulate the sports industry;
2.    Provide an enabling policy, legal and institutional framework.

1.    Development, management and implementation of the sports policy;
2.    Enforcement and implementation of the world anti-doping code and convention against doping;
3.    Promotion and co-ordination of sports training and education;
4.    Regulation of sports;
5.    Expansion of sports industry for sustainable livelihood;
6.    Development and management of sports facilities;
7.    Establishment and management of sports academies to nurture talent.


1.    Department of Sports

The Department was established through a Presidential circular directive in 1987.


Its mandate drawn from the sessional paper No. 3 of 2005 is to provide technical advice on all matters relating to sports and recreation in the country.


i.    Policy formulation, planning, implementation and review
ii.    Sports budget preparation and implementation
iii.    Preparation and rationalization of sports calendars and events
iv.    Coordination and recommendation on financial requests from the sports organizations based on each activity.
v.    Coordination of sports talent exposure in international competition, conventions congresses
vi.    Recommend to the Government on hosting of regional and international competitions and conferences
vii.    Coordination of the Cash Awards and Honours scheme
viii.    Liaise with the Sports Registrar on the status of registered/licensed sports federations, organizations, clubs and sports personnel
ix.    Serve as observers during sports organization’s elections
x.    Development and implementation of bilateral/multilateral/technical sports agreements
xi.    Implementation of International sports conventions
xii.    Establishment of Inter-governmental sports partnerships
xiii.    Carrying out of sports research on the impact of sports on the economy
xiv.    Coordination of establishment of cottage industries for manufacture of sports goods and equipment
xv.    Participation, monitoring and evaluation of local/international sports programmes and projects

2.    Registrar of Sports

The office of the Sports Registrar was established under the Sports Act 2013.


To regulate Sports Organizations and professional sports bodies and persons


i.    Registration of sports organizations
ii.    Licensing of professional sports bodies and professional sports persons
iii.    Arbitration of disputes arising from registration and licensing of sports organizations and persons
iv.    Keep and maintain a register of registered sports organizations and such other particulars (relating to the registered organizers)
v.    Management of court cases arising from registration and licensing of sports organizations and persons
vi.    Sensitization of sports organizations and persons, Ministry staff and the public at large on the Sports Act and other relevant laws
vii.    Observation of sports organizations’ elections