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Cs Ababu secures Kenya a seat on the prestigious Commonwealth ministers task force

Cs Ababu secures Kenya a seat on the prestigious Commonwealth ministers task force

The Youth Affairs, the Arts and Sports Cabinet Secretary Hon. Ababu Namwamba, EGH has been nominated to the Commonwealth Ministers Youth Taskforce for a period of four years while at Marlborough House in London, United Kingdom.

The decision was made during the 10th Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting held on 14th September,2023. Kenya will represent the African region in the key organ tasked with implementation of the Commonwealth Youth Programme across the 56 Commonwealth Member States across the world, from Australia to Jamaica, Canada and UK to Botswana and beyond.

The Task Force will also advise Commonwealth Youth Ministers and the Secretariat on implementation of mandates and resolutions from Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meetings, providing strategic direction in implementing measures, as well as advising, facilitating and advocating for youth development outcomes at the national and regional levels in accordance with the Commonwealth Charter and the Commonwealth Strategic Plan.

While accepting the nomination, Hon. Ababu reaffirmed Kenya’s commitment to championing the youth agenda across Africa and beyond.

“The time for the youth is today. We must cast away the lie of youth and tomorrow, and give real meaning to youth empowerment", he urged, adding, "In Kenya, our mantra is "of youth, for youth, by youth". Indeed, Kenya's Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) is anchored on inclusivity, leaving no one behind.

We are deliberate, intentional and structured in ensuring governance and economic inclusion for all segments of our youth, with concerted efforts not to leave behind girls, the marginalized and those living with disability." CS Ababu added that his ministry has designed transformative initiatives to harness the full potential of our youth, including the Youth in Peace and Security (YPS) Project, the One-Million Youth Green Army for Climate Adaptation which is a unique partnership of my Ministry, the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA), the University of Nairobi and the Dutch University of Groningen, while the Talanta Hela flagship is a bottom-up model for identifying, nurturing and monetizing talents across sports and the creatives to support sustainable livelihoods.

We are also streamlining the National Youth Council to strengthen youth representation in decision making.

These, among other substantive measures, are part of a broad Young People’s Agenda that Kenya will be unveiling at the Generation Unlimited Leadership Council meeting next week in New York during the 78th UN General Assembly (UNGA)", noted CS Ababu.

“We recognize that collaboration is key and through partnerships with governments, non- governmental organizations, academia, and the private sector, we can leverage resources and expertise to maximize the potential of our young people. Together, we have the power to shape a brighter, more inclusive future for the young people of the Commonwealth," he added.

The CS called on the member states to commit to the noble endeavor, noting that investing in the youth today is securing a more prosperous and harmonious tomorrow for all.

CS Ababu used the occasion to invite his colleague Ministers to two key events Kenya is hosting back-to-back in the months of November and December. On November 27-28 the Ministry hosts the historic Kenya Innovation Week - Commonwealth Edition, with all 56 countries that constitute the Commonwealth expected in Nairobi.

At least 20 Heads of State and Government are expected to grace the unique event. And on December 8-12 the Ministry will host as the 6th YouthConnekt Africa Summit “We shall be hosting over 20,000 youth delegates from Africa and globally at the Summit themed “Youth Innovating a Borderless African Renaissance”.

This will be a melting pot of programs nationally and continentally, and a celebration of Africanacity and togetherness of Africa’s greatest resource, as we tap into the huge potential of this demographic dividend to provide solutions to the challenges facing the African continent,” Hon Ababu said.

Cabinet Secretary Ababu was later received by the Commonwealth Secretary General, Baroness Patricia Scotland at the Commonwealth's Malborough House headquarters in London. He was flanked by Kenya’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom H.E. Manoah Esipisu and other officials from the High Commission.